Teresa RingoHonorary Membership Teresa joined Sam Houston State University at the very ripe age of 18 (barely 18) in June 1985. She held the position of a micro-film clerk, those that know, know! She was promoted several times throughout the years and spent a good number of years serving as the Assistant Registrar in Graduation. She was eventually promoted to Registrar after the retirement of Robert Dunning, and eventually promoted to Associate Vice President for Strategic Enrollment and Innovation. Teresa earned a Bachelor's in Business and a Master's in Higher Education Administration, both from Sam Houston State University. She had great role models at SHSU that taught her how to lead with compassion yet stand for what you believe in, Robert Dunning was an integral part of those teachings and was the beginning to the many opportunities that followed after he retired. Teresa was a member of AACRAO, SACRAO, and TACRAO and served on several session planning committees, Newcomers committees, Professional Development committees, and didn't mind being the worker bee. On January 31,2022, Teresa retired from Sam Houston State University after 37 years of service. Since she retired, she has partnered in a new business venture, a Social Venue, and is just as busy as she was before retirement. When the venue isn't rented, she holds events that are important to her such as fundraisers for Breast Cancer Awareness and Suicide Awareness. Her favorite times are when she is with family, exactly the reason she retired! "I appreciate all the knowledge that was readily available through TACRAO as a young Registrar. To the newcomers, don't be afraid to ask questions - I'm sure I asked many of them over the years - use your fellow TACRAON's for the wealth of knowledge that they hold, they all want to help you to grow into the best that you can be. Get involved, you will make friends that will help you along the way and one day you will find yourself being the mentor! To everyone else, thank you for the guidance you provided me as a young Registrar, and as I grew in my profession." |