John Hall

President's Award (2018)
Southern Methodist University

As TACRAO president I have the privilege to recognize a member of the TACRAO community who has made an extraordinary impact through distinguished service on TACRAO by bestowing the Presidents Award.

As an all-volunteer organization TACRAO is sustained and nurtured thanks to the dedication of the many members who serve on committees, make presentations, mentor others, take on leadership roles. You are TACRAO. And, thank you for all that each of you do.

My selection for the 2018 President's Award is my friend and colleague, John Hall, University Registrar and Executive Director of Enrollment Services, at Southern Methodist University.

John Would you come up please?

Spanning a period of some forty-seven plus years, John has graciously provided service to TACRAO, SACRAO, and AACRAO. He has presented on a variety of topics, has served on numerous committees and chaired many others, including co-chair for two TACRAO Local Arrangements Committees. He has served as SACRAO Treasurer, SACRAO President, and TACRAO President.

While chairing the Honorary Membership and Recognition Awards Committee a number of years ago he created an interactive web site of the TACRAO honorary members and other recognized members. Even though he has not been on the committee for a number of years, he has continued to maintain the site to this day, happily adding new entries after the annual meeting, and due to his sustained efforts the TACRAO Honorary Membership and Recognition Awards website contains records of awards dating back to 1964.

Most importantly, John loves to mentor individuals new to the higher education profession. He has been a role model and mentor, not just to me, but to many. He told me that he takes particular pride in having directly encouraged and contributed to the professional growth of two TACRAO presidents, Chuck Kettlewell and myself, as well as two other TACRAO Executive Committee members, Darella Banks and Gretchen Voight, and of two President's Award winners, Gretchen Voight and myself.

For John's lengthy and consistent contributions, mentorship and leadership to TACRO, to our profession and to the cause of higher education, I am pleased to present him with the 2018 TACRAO President's Award.

Joining John tonight is his college blind date and wife of 46 years, Cheryl.

Joe Papari
TACRAO President


Image of John Hall


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