Fred Russell

Honorary Membership (2014)
East Texas State University

It is my distinct honor to announce that Fred Russell was recommended for Honorary Membership into TACRAO by the Honorary Membership and Awards Committee and that the recommendation was approved by the TACRAO Executive Committee. This recommendation was based on his many years of outstanding service to TACRAO, Higher Education, East Texas State University now Texas A&M University Commerce and of course students. Sadly this award is being given posthumously as Fred passed away shortly after he left the state to serve at the University of Arkansas. This loss was felt deeply by those of us who knew him and loved him. Fred distinguished himself throughout his career in higher education. But we are here today to highlight his service to TACRAO. Fred began his outstanding fifteen years of service to TACRAO in 1974 by serving as the chair of the Resolutions Committee. And if you remember Fred, you will remember his keen sense of humor and his positive outlook on life which fit perfectly with the charge of the Resolutions Committee. He was always cheerful and loved to laugh.

He continued to serve on committees, chair committees; continued to make presentations, and in 1978 served as Vice President of the Association. Then he continued the leadership path of President-Elect, and was the President of the 1982 conference in Houston. The theme for the conference was "Partners for Progress." He was then Past President and ended his service to TACRAO as Chair of the Honorary Membership committee in 1992.

Fred left the State to serve as the Registrar and the University of Arkansas. We were sad when he left us.

Fred was a mentor to many of us who worked with him at East Texas State University and many others across the State. He always encouraged us to "get involved" in TACRAO and to serve the organization. In fact he was so well respected that after his death the Fred Russell Enrollment Management pre-conference workshop was created to honor him and it is still active today. This open sign of love and respect speaks volumes about Fred's character and service.

Fred was a mentor, a friend, a trusted colleague and a true example of the best our organization has to offer. If you knew Fred or was affected by Fred during your professional career, I would invite you to stand at this time in remembrance of him. Thank you.

I have asked Paige Bussell to accept this Honorary Membership plaque in honor of Fred. This plaque will be given to the Texas A&M University - Commerce Registrar's Office to be hung in a place of honor and recognition. Fred has now left us but his spirit will live forever in our hearts. Fred will never be forgotten.Image of Fred Russell


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