Dr. Sherry Wells

Honorary Membership (2023)
Lamar University

Sherry Wells has been a member of TACRAO since 1995 which she realizes is longer than some in this
room have been alive. It seems like only yesterday that she was rolling into 8 AM sessions with barely any
sleep after a karaoke battle or closing down the hospitality suite the night before. Now she is one of the old
folks who needs not only a good night’s sleep but a big cup of coffee to even attempt to be on time for an 8
AM session!

Sherry received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas State University, Master of Interdisciplinary
Studies degree from Stephen F. Austin State University, and Doctor of Education degree from Lamar
University. Her career in higher education began at SFA in 1992 in the transcript office. Through good mentors and determination she worked her way up to University Registrar where she served until she left in 2010 for Lamar University.

I won’t bore you with a list of the roles Sherry has served in over the many years but can say that she
never said no when asked to do something with or for TACRAO. But do not misunderstand – Sherry will be
quick to tell you all of the blessings she RECEIVED from her membership in TACRAO instead of what she gave. Professionally, the knowledge gained from the listserv, annual meeting, summer meetings, and colleagues was invaluable. It all helped shape her career – from mentorship by John Edwards and others to insults from Don Carter (If you know, you know) and everything in between.

Personally, the friendships made that have endured the test of time and distance are priceless. Even
more personally, Sherry is joined here tonight by her children, Rebekah and Hudson. They had to share their
mom with her career and grew up on university campuses but never attended a TACRAO meeting. She is
thrilled to have them here as she is awarded honorary membership.

Sherry retired from Lamar University as Assistant Vice Provost in spring 2023. She went from
professional headshots in blazers to snapshots in vintage tees while holding her first grandchild in the space of a few months and loves every minute of it. Sherry is very grateful to TACRAO for being awarded honorary membership and happily passes the torch to the next generation of young professionals who don’t need as much sleep and coffee to function.


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