Chuck KettlewellHonorary Membership (2016) Chuck began his career in higher education in 1976 in the Admissions Office at Southern Methodist University, where he was an Assistant and then an Associate Director of Admissions. Five years later, Chuck said that he literally walked across the hall, and joined John Hall as an Associate Registrar, a post he held for six years. In 1987, Chuck was recruited to become the Registrar and Director of Financial Aid at UT Southwestern Medical Center, a position he held until his retirement in August of this year. Chuck has been an active TACRAO member since 1976, and has served on multiple session planning and standing committees, and as committee chairs, and has given countless presentations. He served on several Local Arrangements Committees for TACRAO, SACRAO, and AACRAO. Chuck previously served on the TEC as TACRAO Secretary, and has just completed his third of three years as TACRAO President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. These are the facts. But Chuck's legacy to us is much more heartfelt. I asked some colleagues for their thoughts about Chuck, and all spoke of his wealth of knowledge, his professionalism, his willingness to help others, to mentor all, and to just do what needed to be done. They all said that he was more than a colleague, he is a true friend, and they spoke of the lasting impact that Chuck has had on TACRAO as an organization, and on the TACRAO membership. One colleague said that he had been taught early in his career to surround himself with smarter people than himself. He said that it was apparent that he needed Chuck. Chuck was always prepared and had things analyzed in ways that other people seldom do. His wealth of knowledge and professionalism will truly be missed in the association. Another colleague said that his dedication to serving others goes beyond all measures. He is a great man, mentor, and friend! A member commented that Chuck became known in our profession for getting things done. LAC chairs and TACRAO presidents loved to tap him for assignments because they knew without a doubt that he would get the job done, and get it done well. TACRAO is a much stronger organization because of Chuck's excellent work. I was told, and I know, that he was always willing to help folks navigate the registrar world of medical schools and health science centers. And it is a different world! He was quick to offer guidance, share his time, and more importantly, sincere encouragement when things were tough. Chuck was praised for his strong, calm, and steady leadership, and that his ability to remember details is amazing. And through it all, he has a wonderful sense of humor and a very caring attitude. Chuck, you have definitely left your mark on TACRAO, and clearly, we are all the better for it. Now, enjoy those hobbies you love, snow skiing, hiking, camping, photography and baseball! Congratulations, Chuck, on this well-deserved recognition.